Is There Anyone Who Was Diagnosed With CLL While In Their 40’s?
I was diagnosed with CLL at the age of 41. My hematologist says 1 in 6 million have CLL at my age. I’ve not met another in my age group with CLL and just curious.
I want to tell everyone about a possible therapy for chronic lymphocyte leukemia. My oncologist knew I was not interested in chemotherapy so he gave me a paper telling about Neem leaf extract inducing cell death by apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. I ordered some from and have been taking it since December 24th. The oncologist did not give me any instructions as to the dosage so I have been taking half of the eye dropper full every day 3 times a day. It is bitter so I mix it with about half of a small cup of water. I don't see him again until April but meanwhile I have noticed the lymph nodes on my neck that I can feel are starting to decrease. Your doctor probably won't approve this because of course they get a portion of the chemotherapy cost. My white blood cell count was around 22,000 and so those in the earlier stages of Leukemia might be interested in this.
I was diagnosed at 49 (12 years ago) and told that it was unusual for someone under 50 and a woman to be diagnosed with CLL. We did wait and watch for a long time. I sought out natural treatments that did to help the fatigue and slow the growth of the abnormal B lymphocytes. (I couldn't just sit there and wait until things got so western medicine would treat me) I had zagyva for my first round of treatment and I refused the chemo that they usually use with it. My numbers went from nearly 100k to nearly zero after 2 infusions. My numbers stayed low for almost 5 years. I went on a study 3 years ago which my body rejected, but it also brought my numbers down and lessened the fatigue.
It was looking like I needed another round of treatment by this summer. I wasn't looking forward to it since the options all would decrease my ability to fight infections. With the pandemic and because I work with toddlers it was worrisome. I went back to some of my natural treatments (mainly turmeric followed by green tea extract --increases cell lysis), and 3 months later my numbers had not gone up. I feel pretty good, so I'm hoping it will stay that way for a bit.
It's a different journey for everyone. Do some of your own research, but be careful about what you find. If you want to go natural treatments work with a good naturopath. They can guide the dosages and how to coordinate it to be a complement to any western medicine treatment. Without the natural approach, life would have been pretty miserable because of the heavy fatigue I had. Difficult when you work and have a family. Take care. Be safe. And good luck!
I have 3 brothers. I and my two older brothers are all in our 80's. We all have been diagnosed with CLL or SLL.
A strange thing!! I was the first diagnosed, my oldest brother next, then my next oldest brother. The strange thing I allude to? My next oldest brother was told by his doctor that he didn't have CLL but did have SLL, but he saw no cancer cells. Everything I've read indicates ithat BOTH CLL AND SLL are cancerous. CLL resides primarily in the bone marrow, SLL primarily affects the lymph nodes. Anyone ever heard a diagnosis like this? I suggested he get another opinion.
I was diagnosed at 48 in 2002. My CLL is 13 Q and 11 Q. I’ve been treated with bendamustine and then Imbruvica and now I am on Venteclax. I am 66 now and enjoying life.
I was diagnosed when I was 48 and had the same problem. No one in my age group with CLL. It was really hard for me because at the time I had 2 small boys I am an old I was 41 with my youngest so he was only 7 yrs old and my oldest was only 9 yrs old. I was diagnosed in 2006 and in watch n wait until 2008 when I had to start treatments.
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Has Anyone Tried Targeted Therapy Drugs For ALL Ph+ Leukemia? Tips And Advise Please.
I Have Not Seen Information About Mutated Vs Unmutated CLL. I Am Unmutated. Has Anyone Else Dealt With This?