What Should The Next Step Be?
While recovering from a massive heart attack in the hospital the doctor's told my partner he has Leukemia. They aren't specialists in that area (cancer, Leukemia, etc.). I wasn't there when they told him and he was still on pain medication, but from what he understood his heart is too damaged to withstand radiation and his heart won't heal or ever work properly because of the Leukemia. They gave him 12 months to live. Does this sound logical? He is 58.
We are setting up an… read more
Hmm 12 months they said? Just curious if you've ever found an expiration date anywhere on your partner? I dont know what type of leukemia your partner has but there are options. I have to say if you live that close to MD Anderson that's where I'd be heading. They are rated #1 for cancer care and have pioneered many new tx for all types of leukemia.
It does not sound convincing to me (highly educated but not MD). I don't think heart function and leukemia are strongly related. Yes the blood does get a bit thick with leucocytes but that is not normally an issue. Get a second opinion.
12 months is the worst case scenario. But as your partner’s heart may improve other therapeutic drugs could improve his prognosis. Keep the faith and envoy today and the moment, as none repeat.☀️🌈
I’m so sorry, I would look for an oncologist/hematologist, cancer/blood doctors. There is so much more than just radiation that can be done.
The doctor should have never told him that he only has 12 months since they don’t even know what they are dealing with.
https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/arizona-w...(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators).html
I have a friend that did clinical trials at MD Anderson in Arizona. I don’t remember the type of cancer that he has dealt with, but the trials saved his life! Keeping an open mind widens your possibilities of treatments. Given the choice, I don’t think I’d have a problem with a trial after watching what my friend went through. I am currently on W & W.
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