Is Anyone Taking Onureg?
I am currently in remission with AML. I am taking the pill form of Onureg. I’ve been on it for 3 months with no side effects. Is anyone else taking this medication? I take a Zophram 30 minutes prior to the Onureg.
This is the first post I have seen that Simone has CMML-1. I was diagnosed with CMML-2 almost 2 yrs ago. My WBC was at 70,000. They immediately sent me to the UW in Seattle and started chemo within a couple days. I went thru 3 rounds of chemo over 5 months. The first round side effects were normal. Weight loss a pound a day, mouth sores, nausea that Zoltan helped a lot with. When I got out I was prescribed Onureg but had nausea and the other side effects mentioned. After about a month it was causing my WBC to increase. My Doc took me off it. I continued with the anti viral, anti bacterial and another one I don’t remember. After about 6 months of encouraging numbers stabilizing and being in remission, I stopped taking everything. I feel great except my knee is keeping me pretty immobile. (Not cancer related) my blood tests have changed to every 3 months and my Doc doesn’t need to see me for 6 months. I do experience fatigue a lot and the only thing that keeps me awake is my knee. I really didn’t think I would still be here. God has been with me every step of the way and I know he has me on his path. I told my son the other day that I never once questioned “Why”. I just trust God.
I am almost 73. I lost everything but I had been saying for years that I needed to downsize. 😁❤️🙏
I am on Oneureg and it has been a horrible experience for me. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, neutropenia. This is supposed to be hold over chemo until stem cell transplant.
Zophran is great. Also, Compozine is good.
Zofran works best.
No sorry! any advice on what works best for nausea? I have CLL.
Hi! As There Is No Classification Under The Leukemia Types, Is There Any Other APL Leukemia Diagnosed Persons Here I Can Relate To?
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