i am takeing 400 mg of venclexta each moring i have joint pain what is the best treatment in controlling the joint pain i have try every anti infam body rub it effect every part of my body mainly in the knees my doc has put me on 10mg oxcon an i take tylenol what else can i do to help to reduce the joint pain as i have 18 more month of takeing the venclexta i also have 3 more months of retucken i have been in treatment since 2019 i had my spleen removed it was the largest one ever removed… read more
I pray your surgery goes very well and praying for immediate/fast healing
There is a gout medication you should take to protect your kidneys and it's called Allopurinol. I took it while I was on the beginning staging; (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). The Venclexta kills the cancerous lymph nodes and rushes them through the kidneys. Check with your oncologist. You HAVE to drink 7-8 eight oz of water daily to FL sh kidneys. This may help, u hope. Again, your oncologist can advise you. Hang in there. I no longer take it because I'm in 200 mg as maintenance with no side effects. Prayers
When I was talking 400 Venclexta I too 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Need to take with a meal. I started out on 20 mg for a week then 50 the next week the 100 the next week then 200 the next week and 400 the final week. Brought my white count down to normal (5000) and now I'm on 200 with dinner meal as maintenance. I had to drink 7 eight oz glasses of water to flush
I had some leg aches, took Tylenol and walked for about 10 to 15 minutes a day. I'm doing great. Hope this helps
I'm sorry you in so much pain. I've been on Venclexta for six months now and it brought my white count down to normal (5000). I have cll. I did have leg achs and rubbed my legs with CBD oil which helped. I took Tylenol and made myself go for walks. All helped me. Hope your oncologist finds relief for you. Praying for you
I just started treatment for CLL with initial Gazyva infusions. Will be starting on Venclexta in a couple weeks increasing from 20 mg to 400 over 5 weeks. Both these medications act directly on the cancer cells by neutralizing their surface proteins so they can be destroyed. When they die they release the cell contents in your bloodstream such as potassium, uric acid to name a few. Your kidneys eliminate the uric acid normally but if the level in t e blood goes too high it can lead to development of gout and joint pain. Allopurinol is taken prior to treatment to help the body eliminate the uric acid. Drinking 2 litres if fluids daily helps flush it out. So people with compromised kidney function before treatment may expect worsening of gout symptoms once on treatment. Docs will check your serum levels and kidney function prior to assess your ability to tolerate treatment. Mine is good and so far no joint pains but have muscle aches. Will see how it gets a few weeks down the road!