Does Anyone Else With CLL Get Day Sweats And Then They Turn Right To Chills?
I have night sweats, but this past month (I’ve been getting chemo for 5 months) I’ve been getting day time sweats and after about 2 minutes they turn into chills. My doctor said that she doesn’t understand it, as I’ve already gone through menopause twice (my reproductive system had to be taken in my early 30’s and then I went through it again in my late 40’).
Yes, I am experiencing this. (Stage 0 CLL) I wondered if I'm alone. Apparenly not. I just keep a hoodie nearby.
Hi Judi. Due to having Crohns, I had a severe reaction to the prescription D that they prescribed, it was awful..anyways you are lucky that it agreed with you! Really irritated me because when I called to tell them, they did not offer any further guidance as to what kind of Vit D to get. I reached out to my holistic practitioner, who I used to see when I lived in SC and she was so wonderful & helpful in explaining the different types of D our bodies produce (or not). Long story short I ordered D3 Plus by Bio Tech(5000iu per day). Within 2 months my D counts doubled and I was back in normal range! I take it daily and it has made a huge difference. When I went back for the re-check, they never even asked me how I or what I took that helped double it....not surprise to me tho. You may want to do some research on it as well. Have a great afternoon:):):)
Tonya, I have the same issue. It was much worse during my IV chemo before the neutropenia set in. Hot and cold, kind of like wash, rinse, and repeat. I still have this issue on Oneureg but since I only take it for 14 days and then off for 14 days, I get a reprieve from the drenching. It also doesn’t help that we are in the dog days of summer, so now it is so easy to get hot with any physical exertion and once I sit for a minute and the sweat is gone, it is instantly replaced by chills. Wishing you comfort and relief, my friend. 💕
I do understand where your doctor is coming from as far as interfering with any other medications that you are taking. The Vit D and B 12 tho have finally become standard in today's medicine as far as testing so hopefully she will be open to checking them just to see if you are deficient.
AmandaPannell, thank you that’s exactly what I’m talking about. I have a window air conditioner a ceiling fan and a box fan all in my 10x12 bedroom and I still wake up drenched. I also spend a lot of my days in here and I have exactly what you are talking about.
I wish you the best and you are in my prayers.
What Causes Me To Sweat Profusely Then Get Chills? It Started Out Just Sweating Now I Get Chills . What's Up With This.
I Live In Illinois, Near Vincennes, Indiana. Wondering If Anybody On Here Has Recommendations For A Doctor With A Lot Of CLL Experience.
I Have Periodic Light Night Sweats. Stage 0 And 73. They Seem Slightly Different. Is This Possible.