Has Anyone With CLL Who Has Taken Imbruvica Had Fast Pounding Heart?
I was on Imbruvica for several years then developed atrial fibulation. Changed my med to Calequence and the a-fib went away. I have had CLL for 12 years.
These answers do seem to establish a trend, but just remember that every body is different. Use the answers to ask your doctors informed questions about future treatment.
Have heart problems, the cll treatment and drug changes triggered some problems, my diffibulator took care of it , but that's whole new saga.
I just started treatment after 13yrs8mos of my CLL Leukemia diagnosis. 13 days on Zanubrutinib ended me in ER with chest pain that was Pleurisy. Now 7 days on Acalabrutinib & only a headache is what I notice. Just praying it works & I can tolerate it longterm🙏🏾
I ended up with AFib after about 18 months of Imbruvica. Not sure that was the cause. I have a Pacemaker that keeps my heart rate at 69, so no racing. I went off of Imbruvica, had my heart shocked back into rhythm, added another wire to my heart and I have been good since.
What Treatment Options Have Folks Had For CLL/SLL? And Side Effects?
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