Recently Diagnosed With A Squamous Cell Carcinoma On The Lower Leg.
Undergoing Radiation Therapy. Does it conflict with the medicine I am taking IMBRUVICA?
I have had multiple squamous prior to treatment, so many frozen off that the doc lost interest in income and prescribed flouroracil cream. It works tho lesions do tend to come back sometimes.
Under treatment for Squamos Cell Carcinoma -Simple Radiation Therapy-SRT- done 12 of 17 treatments. so far no negative reaction although site looks ugly!
I don’t have a definite answer for you. But I’ve had squamous cell. Melanoma, and basal cell. I would think it won’t conflict at all. They just cut it out and patch you up, assuming it hasn’t spread
I had mohs and was sorry I did but I think the doc not the procedure was the problem. It was an all day affair and left me with a nasty scar. Never again for me. Just had an excision with stitches for another squamous- much better experience.
Surgery is April 5th
Why Am I Getting So Many Squamous Cell Carcinomas On My Body? I Have Early Stage CLL?
Has Anyone Ever Had Mohs Surgery On Squamous Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer..on Face Before..if So How Did It Go?
As Anyone Developed Cancer In Other Areas, Possibly From CLL? I Am Having Surgery To Remove Half Of My Thyroid Due To Nodules.