Depression / Trying To Comprehend Having Leukemia
This is as much of a THANK YOU to all of you on MYLEUKEMIATEAM as it is a question. I was diagnosed in early January of 2023. Friends and colleagues noticed my melancholia very soon after that diagnosis. It wasn’t until March of this year and I realized “ I can do this, I’m gonna be OK”. And all of you that contribute to this site with your questions, kind words and stories had more to do with helping me emerge from my funk than you will ever know. You are my friends, my team and my support… read more
Thank you. I’m doing well. I always thought that I would live forever ( bottom line, I never considered I could have something that may shorten my life). But I’m good, and fighting this is what I will do.
I’m just going to try to shine a bit of sunshine on you. With both of us having leukemia, for some reason I started thinking about and smiling about a movie that I haven’t seen in a long time. I’ll have to watch again. Monty Python’s “The Life of Brian”. Remember when Brian was hanging on the cross with others behind him and the all started singing. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Song by Monty Python. I hope I made you smile. And if you haven’t seen the movie. Please search it out
Hi John, I agree with Sharon, thank you because in some way we can all help each other this ordeal.
Get in the gym and start working out. It will help and slow down the progression of the CLL
Thank you John for your sweet message. I love this site because we can keep up, encourage and give advise to each other. Just reading everyone's comments has helped me greatly. I'll admit, I've had some down days too but am extremely grateful for all my teammates.
So glad you are feeling better and many hugs to you. 😊
CMML Not On Leukemia List.
CLL And Hip Surgery ?
Does Anyone Have Experience When It Comes To CBD For Relief Of Some CLL Symptoms ?