Why Would Platelets Suddenly Start Steadily Falling With Cll?
My platelets have always been stable. I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2016. As of February my platelets were still 174..as of now they are 123 and showing no sign of stopping.
I was injured in May and was treated for cellulitis.
I'd appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, or shared experiences.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you for your response! I went to an acupuncturist that is very good. He gave me herbs and nutrition advice for the short term. I followed him exactly, drank the herbs and when I was retested, after them falling consistently for 7 months, 2 weeks after starting the herbs my platelets went from 123 to 190 the only change was the acupuncturists herbs. My platelets have not been at 190 since before my diagnosis. I am so grateful to have them normal! 🦋🦋
Have you asked your oncologist about the drop in platlets? How are all your other numbers (Absolute lymphocyts, WBC, RBC, hemaglobin, etc.)? Bacterial and viral infections can lower our platlets. Could it be that the infection in May that you had is not completely gone? Don't hesitate at all to question the heck out of your oncologist/regular doctor, etc. Advocate for yourself ok. Don't want to seem harsh, but the medical field is not always correct and they do misdiagnose, so the more questions you ask, the better. When is your CT scan?
Thank you! I will look into this all!
My platelets are at 130 right now. My oncologist says no worries so I just keep going.
I haven't heard about this! Does it seem to help?
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