Stomach Issues With CLL
I cannot eat a lot of food that I used to be able to eat, have problems with digestion, acid reflux, and occasional vomiting. Does anyone else with CLL have these problems? I am not on any drug therapy yet.
Yes same here I thought I had fatty liver also my vomiting didn't start till later in my leukemia journey..I ended up real sick and spent 7 hours in Emergency after being down for a while I started tracking what i was eating..I wrote it down and when it happened I looked at my food list and started taken foods out ..and this is how I found out...I also did some research on leukemia to see what foods I should eat and what foods I shouldn't eat . And fried foods was one of the foods I shouldn't be I track everything now ..
Dairy would not work for me it's a trigger for me
The following link may help some of you in regards to stomach issues. I have had Crohns for 20 plus yrs and the following really really helped me. Process of elimination as you will see, but made a huge difference for me once I found out the foods that triggered my tummy to be very very unhappy:):):)
Yes you nailed's always something we ate that our body reacts to...
Thank you Soultime12 for your FodMap link. My doctor suggested it too!
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Anyone Out There Having GVH Issues Of The Stomach. Iām A Two + Yr Survived Of A BMT For ALL Sharon