CLL And Hip Surgery ?
I think you can have hip surgery if your bloodwork is okay and your blood pressure is not to high and you know, all the other things that need to be in order before a surgery. I had my knee replaced recently and all went well. It took me longer to heal but no infection and my knee is working well. My CLL is in watch and wait so surgery worked well for me. Ask your oncologist, I did and she said go a head and get the knee replacement. That way you know for sure and you don't have to have anxiety about getting your hip replaced.🙏🏼
Gavin2, I am in recovery from hip surgery week #10. I have CML and was very worried. It went like clockwork for me and I have had really good results. I had very little pain and could walk pretty well from the get go. I used a walker and a cane for the first few weeks and went to Physical Therapy religiously. Here's to a success story for you!--jmb
Hope your hemoglobin improves, Wishing you Sunny Skies Butterflies, and a chocolate chip cookie or3!😎
I don’t think hip surgery should be a problem for you with CLL
Tom - thank-for the reply. Recovery team is struggling to get my hemoglobin where it should be . I’m amazed that you’re doing so well after all of that treatment .
My Husband Is PH+ As Well As AML. The Pain Is At His Hip And Goes Down To His Toes. Is This A Leukemia Sympton?
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