I Am Suffering From CLL. I Have Broken Out Into A Rash All Over My Body And Continuously Itch. Is This Considered To Be A "cytokine Storm.
Are there any remedies for the rash and the itching?
Thanks. I'll give it a shot!
And yes, I get incredibly itchy little red spots which my Derm guy may he rest in peace called papular urticaria. Do I take Allegra? Yes, sometimes. Other times I use a very strong steroid ointment Clobetasol and cover the dot with a bandaid. However Hugh, my problem and yours are different as I get isolated spots, not all over the body. But I can relate to your itchy discomfort. BTW this is really one of those things your GP should look at and then send to Derm if he/she is unfamiliar with the rash. It might even be a reaction to a medication if you are on meds.
Well, without knowing anything about the rash, what kind it is, what the pathophysiology of it is, if you were out in the desert and the only store for miles around was a pharmacy and the only thing they had in stock were two antihistamines, Allegra or Claritin, I would suggest you empirically try one of those. Neither one is supposed to make you tired. Some studies have suggested Claritin (or Loratadine generically) of the two might be more effective for itch.
I’m Having So Much With Itching On Mostly Legs, Ankles, Fingers And Arms, Could This Be From My CLL? Aske My DR Didn’t Give Me Any Answers.
Anyone Else Have White Hair Growing In Rapidly All Over Their Body? My Husband Is 8mos Into CLl Treatment.
Has Anyone Experienced Rashes And Itching With CLL?