Has Anybody Gone TFR With Treatment For CML For Over 10 Years.
I was diagnosed in 1998 with CML, and now I have gotten to the 6 year mark of TFR. I know doctors are looking to see how many patients can get to the 10 year mark from conversations I have had with them. I was told I am in a Deep Remission. I was on Gleevec (Imatinib) for 18 years.
Hi, Susan I want to thank you for all the info. You have given to the group. Your story is very inspirational and I never heard of anyone on gleevec for 18 years, God bless you. I have cml and on gleevec 2 years now. My eGFR is 65 and going down, but now im not to worried because you mentioned yours was in the forties probadly due to gleevec. My doctor could have told me that, but on medicare, in and out in a few minutes, next patient. Thats why warriors like you can share what you have learned and experiences to put our mind at ease.Take care and hope to see more of your comments.
Hi PatKelley: So glad your daughter is doing so well. We just have to pray that our TFR lasts a long time, and that soon there will be a final cure for our Leukemia as well as all other cancers. I have been diagnosed with CKD years ago, and no idea if it was from the Gleevec or not. I just know my numbers are stable when my blood work is done. I try to drink a lot of water to keep the eGFR high in my blood work results. It ran in the 40's for years, and now I have gotten it up to 61 I had severe orbital edema, and its all gone now. Thank You for your response. I started out at every 3 months for my check, and now I am doing every 6 months.
My adult mentally disabled daughter was diagnosed with CML 11 years ago and took imatanib myselate (Gleevac) for 10.5 years.. has been treatment free for 6 months and we test monthly and her numbers have been stable. The Gleevac affected her kidney disease and her macular edema and since we stopped all treatments, her eyes have improved and her kidney disease numbers have also improved.
Hi,Susan, yes i feel good and thanks for responding and I will ask you questions from time to time.
Hi Bill: your eGFR is very good. My kidney functions have been off, but stable since the early 2000's Doctor told me I had chronic kidney disease, but did not offer me anything except to get my fluids in me. So that is what I try to do for the past 20 years or so. I am not a water drinker, but I try. You are so right about the treatment being on Medicare. It is because they put through their fee, but only get a percentage. I get a 15 minute time slot when I go to my Primary, but I have to say that my other doctors spend time with me. I have a lot of health issues, but I try to just get through each day, and then Thank God when I wake up to a new day. I am always here to try to answer any questions that I might be able to answer due to my journey for so many years. I think your doing good. Have a Good Day.🙂
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