Has Anyone Had To Have Outpatient A Blood Transfusion And IV Chemo On Same Day ?
Yes, I had chemo and blood transfusions several times on the same day. I had two rounds of chemo before my BMT. If my counts were low, and I needed a transfusion I got that on the same visit as getting the chemo.
Yes, early in treatment, I needed weekly blood transfusions. Sometimes, chemotherapy and a blood transfusion occurred on the same day.
Yes, I did. I was not off them until several weeks after my transplant.
Thanks Patricia, started second. Cycle of Vindaza and Venetoclex yesterday but still neutropenic so still on all antivirals too. Did you have to continue the antivirals all thru the second cycle?
Thank you Ginny. Appreciate you and all your support.
Does A Bone Marrow Transplant Require Hospitalization?
Are There Any Members Here That Have Become Transfusion Dependent And If So How Long? Thank You.
Has Anyone Here Currently Diagnosed With AML Been In Chemotherapy For Over Two Years?