What Do You Do For People With CLL And GCA, Giant Cell Arteritis?
I have mixed feelings about CAR T-Cell therapy. I think a lot of it has to do with how well you have a good support team. My Sister was Dx'd with MM a few years ago and underwent a T-Cell transplant in February this year. Initially her response was good, her numbers improved greatly. She started having problems with vision in one eye and speaking in March. Her Oncologist wasn't much help, referred her to a ENT specialist and suggested she also see an eye doctor which she did but it took time to schedule. She continued to decline ever while her numbers stayed good. She passed in May. Just too much strain on her system. In talking with my oncologist, who is retired and have lunch with once a month, he surmised that she probably had a brain bleed that was missed. Was it related to her T-Cell treatment I don't know. I do think that her health care by her "team" could have been better. As they say "your results may vary". Be Strong and Persevere.
What Are The Treatments For CLL And GCA, Giant Cell Arteritis, Which Don't Hinder The Other Condition? Help!
Does Anyone Else Have GCA? Great Cell Ateritis Along With Their CLL Or Other Cancer?
Is There A Correlation Between CLL And GCA (Great Cell Arteritis)