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I Am Strongly Considering Not Getting Any Treatments Or Take Any Medication, If That Is The Route, What’s My Projected Time Left ?

A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Nashville, TN
July 26, 2024
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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

We cannot tell you the time you would have left a there are so many various types of Leukemia. People are all different too and the amount of strength they have. I would ask your Oncologist/Hematologist this question. Let them know you are considering options right now. There also are Naturalpaths and not sure what they would say? They use 'natural ways' I guess , probbaly diet? I am just guessing though,

Think maybe good to consider trying to see if the physician can help give you a couple different ways of dealign with it all? When a person only has a few months left about six they can have Hospice come in for them and their families. But I would really try to stay strong and know one thing important,
You are "Not alone" We are all in same or near same boats! We reach for life preservers and try to take them in order to stay afloat and many time we can live quite a little while and it could be five years or a little more even, One never knows? 'New treatments and new medications' are coming out all the time and we never know when this will be healed for us all! In the meantime we go with what has worked for most all anyway for several years. But not all make it, I am not trying to inflate it all, but 'many do,' They can do much better in the end . They can at least have times they are in'' remission'' and doing quite well really! Then the appointments become less often!

July 26, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

If the doctor recommends medication, I would give it a try and see if I get any side effects. Im on imatinib 400mg and the only side effect is puffy eyes in the morning, which goes away in a hour. I do everything I did before without lifestyle change. If you try meds and dont like it, then you can stop it. But it would be on your terms. Good luck.

July 27, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Idk about that. I guess its a personal decision. I was diagnosed with CML in March and am responding well to the medication. They have chemo pills I take that controls my cancer. The side effects are manageable. I was told I could live 15 years or more on current medication. Medication for Leukemia has really come a long way in recent years. I wouldn't shut myself off to any treatments until you understand all your options. I have very young children and they need their father. Weigh all your options, risk versus reward, effectiveness of current medication and ask others with the same type of leukemia and what has and hasn't worked for them.

July 27, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Alan, getting a blood cancer diagnosis can be pretty shocking.
Prognosis depends on so many things including, diagnosis, stage of cancer, what mutated genes are involved as well as other underlying conditions and a person’s age and overall health.
It’s good you’re going to be meeting with the oncologist to discuss options.
I would recommend that you go in with a list of questions and that you take notes or have someone with you to take notes.

July 27, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I understand. I don't plan on taking anything either. What's the point. I try and do my natural products and my vitamins and pray to the good Lord. When it's your time your going to go anyway.

July 26, 2024

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