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How To Deal With Not Being Able To Drive Anymore. I'm 70 Years Old And Mostly Alone I Get Confused Now When Driving And Don't Trust Myself A

A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
August 12, 2024
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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I think you should have yourself checked for other health issues? Last summer I had periods when I could not speak and I thought I was having a stroke? Then there were times I was driving and I discovered I was driving remote control with a concentration situation on a twisting country road. I have not had this trouble in a year? I should have seen a doctor. This was also my first year with CLL? I have increased my vitamins and supplement so I do not have any of these episodes at this time. I hope you see you medical professionals and let them resolve your concern.

August 13, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Oh that driving thing. I am better now, but still not back to normal. I don't do heavy traffic/city driving. I used to worry about my energy bottoming out on me and having confusion jump in after. What a mess! It happened when it happened. I am better now that I am more stable--but still don't do big city driving. I'm just to scared that it will happen away from home. I do drive but am careful where and when and I am always aware of my energy levels. I do drive to work, local driving is OK--just am careful always. My days of jumping in the car and taking off for the day are pretty much over unless I have a backup driver. It limits my freedom; a good trade off for safety, in my opinion.--jmb

August 12, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Hi Tom. Just wondering...have you mentioned this to your primary care physician? Have you had any changes in any of your medications recently? Wouldn't hurt at all to reach out to your regular doctor to discuss your concerns. A couple of years ago, I started having memory issues that I knew weren't related to "aging". My doctor at the time did CT Scan & MRI. Was diagnosed with white matter disease of the brain. A few months ago I also had neuro psych testing done with my neurologist and was diagnosed with MCI-mild cognitive impairment which is early stage of dementia (I'm only 61). My memory impairment stems from 2 very bad accidents years and years ago. Yours could be related to many things tho...meds, heart issues if you have any, neurological conditions, etc etc. So, think about it and maybe call and get an appointment soon? I, too, get uncomfortable in certain circumstances when driving, so I no longer do any highway driving, no longer drive at night, no long drives (which I miss sooo much!) and I ensure that I drive only when my energy is good and that I'm confident behind the wheel. Best of luck and let me know how everything goes:)

August 12, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I have acute anxiety disorder and have been on anxiety medications for years. I also have pts which i think was from the car accident. i was on my way home from work, and a 17 year old girl not paying attention hit me at 70mph. Impact was 140 mph, as i was stopped in traffic. After suffering for years, i became agoraphobic. All mental health issues. But still after all the years, driving on a hiway is a big no no for me. Luckily i can drive some, and some means close to home. Thankfully i have a caregiver and he drives for me. Then years later at 40 i was diagnosed with iron overload, then almost 2 years cll. Its been a rough road and every day is a blessing. So i look at my disability's as a way of a journey. When you fall, you dust yourself off, and try and try again........

August 14, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Thank you for your advice, I just need to adjust. I tried the Chicago Senior center and when I went home I felt like more old than before. Maybe Im just mad that my piece of the pie is a lot smaller than hoped for. My mom told me that "the Lord would not give you these challenges if you couldn't do it. Well by God I'm doing it!

August 30, 2024

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