How Are Is Everybody Doing This Lovely Autumn Day ?
I was at my hematoligist on Thurs. & I will have no cancer meds !
Best diet , no sugar , white flour stuff , no pizza , spicy foods ! Somebody , please help me out !!?
Martha, why did your hematologist stop your chemo meds?
You mentioned that you are very pale. How is your hemoglobin?
What does your MD say about your pain?
I think you are correct. I noticed in the past month my sinus seem to drain the first thing in the morning when I get out of been and warm up for the day? I am ready to go back to the tread mill and walk a few miles to stay loose and active? Last winter I did to much sitting around and this winter I plan to be a regular at the gym?
last weekend I was at the gym twice. I discovered after 10 minutes my breathing increased like I was jogging? I was never a smoker but this sure seems like a lung concern? It was good to go to the gym and be normal?
Hi Robert. Maybe it is because you just started going to the gym and your lungs are adjusting to the change in activity? Maybe the air in the gym is not properly set? I've noticed for me that since the weather is now very cold here, when I go first started walking in it, my lungs felt "full" so to speak and it was a very strange and different feeling of breathing. After a week or so of walking outside, my breathing is much better. Do consult with your doctor tho if things do not change at all ok.
What Is The Best Diet
I Am Good To-day ! TRust Everybody Is Doing Well Too ! ??
My Partner Got Diagnosed With Stage 0 Chronic Cancer, Told Him He Can Live Like He Is Use Too, What Does Cocaine Do In This Situation To Him