Anyone Experiencing Ear Pressure And Slight Hearing Loss? ENT Suggested Steroids But I Read It’s Not A Good Idea With CLL.
My oncologist ( whom I love and just found out he is leaving 🥲) and i decided against the steroids at this time. ENT was concerned with hearing loss but it is only a slight loss in one ear. Thanks for your reply.
Hi Mary. Did ENT explain in detail what was causing ear pressure and slight hearing loss? How long have you been experiencing the symptoms? Do you have allergies...may or may not be that...sinus issues...may or may not be that..recent change in altitude...may or may not be that...numerous other things that my be causing it. opinion only... only mask/cover up the symptoms for a certain period of time and there are a lot of side effects from them that, again, to me, are not good at all and that further work against one's immune system. I'm actually allergic to all steroids, so with all my other medical issues, the doctors have found alternative ways to help without using steroids. Maybe consider a second opinion or see if your ENT has another option for you? Best of luck and let us know how it goes:)
I have never experienced..any of this..
I had read that WBC can affect nervous systems including the brain. The WBC when they go bad seem to attack everything? If a possible issue with an organ is going to be bad then both B & T cells show up to attack the bad cells?
Hearing loss and ear pressure can be associated with leukemia, including Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). It's important to discuss any concerns about treatments, such as steroids, with your healthcare team. Here are some key points from my knowledge base:
- Hearing Loss in Leukemia: Between 15% and 40% of people with Show Full Answer
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