Should We Get The RSV Vaccine? Have Any Of You Gotten It? My One Dr. Says Yes And The Other Says No! Side Effects?
I did get the RSV vaccine; it was highly recommended. My doctor suggested that I space it 2 weeks from the flu or other vaccine - which I did. However, the RSV vaccine was the only vaccine I had with bad side effects. I was completely "wiped out" for a couple of days. I am happy to hear that others who replied did not have any side effects, but I just wanted to let you know that it can happen. My side effects, however, were NOTHING compared to getting RSV, which can be terrible - so I am glad that I got the vaccine.
Chey, I would get the shingles vaccine. After you have chicken pox the virus lays in wait on your nerve endings and is dormant until a life stressor sets it off. It is extremely painful and if it surfaces near your eyes you can go blind. You can be in pain for months. Now we on this site certainly have enough stressors in our lives that we don’t need shingles too!
Maria - I only had side effects for a few days. For 2 or 3 days after receiving the RSV vaccine, I could not even get out of bed. I had a bad headache and severe exhaustion; my whole body ached. I have never felt anything like that before with any other vaccine, including Covid. I am now trying to decide whether or not to get the newest Covid vaccine. Like you, I am getting different opinions from doctors. Until now I have taken the Covid vaccines without any issues. The article below recommends it with CLL, and I know I am immunocompromised; I have monthly infusions of gamma globulin. However, my pulmonologist discouraged getting it; he said neither he nor his colleagues have taken the vaccine. I have friends who had side effects like your daughter; I hope she recovers completely. This is really a dilemma. RSV is extremely serious which is why I took the vaccine. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Yes my oncologist says to get - no side effects
Got RSV year before last. No issues .
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