I Have CLL Can I Donate Blood
People with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) are generally not eligible to donate blood. This is because CLL is a blood cancer, and donating blood could potentially transmit abnormal cells to the recipient. Additionally, treatments or medications for CLL may also disqualify you from donating. Always consult your doctor or Show Full Answer
No donations allowed sorry….
I talked to someone from a platelet facility about donating since I am in remission with CML. They said no platelet donation.
Red Cross said no donations would be allowed.
Your doctor will say no more donations.....
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With T-cell LGL Leukemia & Been In Watch & Wait Status?
Can CBC Come Back Generally Normal In The Early Stages Of Leukemia?
Has Anyone Been A Blood Donebefore CLL? I Find It Odd I Can No Longer Donate Blood, But I Can Be An Organ Doner.