Worried About Total Knee Replacement And Infection
I would definitely find another doctor TrueGrit..
Hi TrueGrit,
I had a knee replacement almost 2 years ago now. For infections, it depends on what stage you are in with your leukemia. I am in stage 0, so it was not a big risk for me with infection. My orthopedic surgeon was very worried, so I had to get a written approval from my oncologist before the orthopedic doctor would do the knee surgery. Do be careful if you decide to have a TKR, total knee replacement. We are more prone to infection. If you have sensitive skin or have lots of allergies, do ask your surgeon about allergic reactions to the material they use in the knee replacement. My body did react to the adhesive they used in the knee replacement and it took much longer to heal. I still cannot kneel down on that knee, but that is the only problem I have with it now. My new knee works perfectly and I have almost no pain. It it 10x's better than before the TKR. I did not know people can react to the material and adhesives used in a total knee replacement, so I didn't ask my surgeon about it, but you can ask just in case.
I was also given 2 bags of antibiotics because of having leukemia. I had no problem with infection! I am very grateful for that. If you decide to get a TKR, it is a lot of work to get your knee functioning like your old knee, but it is worth it. It is painful too, but the medication they give you more than covers any pain you may have. I tried to get off the pain medication too early. It does not help to do that because you have to do exercises everyday 4x/day, plus physical therapy 2x/week, so you need the pain meds to help so you can get your knee back to normal. Some people take longer than others with the pain medication. My advise is, if you really need it take it and if you don't, then don't take it.
Best of luck!!!
Thank you so much for the response. I was diagnosed with leukemia 5 years ago and had major ankle surgery a few months later. They filled me with antibiotics but because that kills everything, I developed c-diff, a very nasty infection. I had TKR on my other knee 12 years ago and was pleased with the results. Same surgeon this go round. When I asked my oncologist about the surgery, she told me to talk to my orthopedist. I did not like that off hand response so I may be changing doctors. Anyway, thanks again for taking time to respond!
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