Is There A Programm For Treatment For Remission Of The CLL
I discovered that there are many medications for the many different leukemias? The medication "control' the illness until the cells mutate and the medication can not control the illness. I take a medication for CLL which uses the BTK Inhibitor to attach to B or T cells to inactivate the cells. A new medication BCL-2 ("B" Cell Leukemia 2) medication attaches B or T cell mitochondria to inactivate the cell. This medication may be released in2 to 5 years. My medication was approved by the FDA 12/22. I have read that healthy eating, exercising, relaxed mental health can be beneficial for improving leukemia illness. Be careful with ill affects with medications? My medication listed ill affects but I had not been affected by any ill affects? A new ill affect may be "brain fog" which could affect people who are not practicing healthy habits (eating, exercising, etc.)
Yes, there are treatment programs aimed at achieving remission for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). These include chemotherapy, targeted therapy drugs, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplants. For younger and healthier individuals, aggressive treatments may be used for a curative approach. The choice of treatment Show Full Answer
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