Does Anyone Travel? Or Will We Always Have To Live In A Bubble With CLL
Traveling is normally fine ,as long as you feel up to it. You will need to maybe rest often, and perhaps not be a main person to drive. We must not be afraid all the time. But you may not feel up to doing alot so just be sure you have places to rest in between. You can always ask your Oncologist/Hematologist if you hae questions on this or are worried about it. If before starting out , do not make the reservations, if you already are not feeling up to it though, Go by how you feel. Also, what physicains are saying.
Do not live in fear, do what you want as time is precious.
Last February & November my wife paid for us to go on a 7 day cruises. There were over 6,000 people with unknown health on the ship? Lots of people and good food. At first I was cautious about exposure but then I realized everyone was healthy? I think being aware of your surroundings and taking care will help you to be both happy and healthy.
I still travel. Not stopping that. My attitude is do it now while I can before I can't. Take whatever precautions you need to. I mask up a lot. Eat right, take your supplements and any meds and get rest.
My wife and I research how we plan to travel and implement necessary precautions we need to take. If traveling by plane we both mask up( even though Iām the one with cll, bless her). Eating out I mask up until seated, always request a table off the beaten path. In crowds, try to avoid or mask up
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