To All My CLL Friends, What Was Your First Treatment? Hope Everyone Is Having A Good Day.
My first year I was not informed by the medical people about anything and I continued to jog and visit the gym, and do property work. I was only told my WBC count increased 10K per month without any guidance except "don't worry." I would have been happier if there was eating or diet information? My wife learned so much during the one year wait period when the medical people could have told me so much about my illness except "do you have swollen gland?" After doing my research I am much happier because there is "NO UNKNOWN?" I am happier and healthier then I was two years ago. I like my new medical people who talk to me and seem to be supporting my positive normal health? I hope you get the same help and information I was given to improve my life and happiness.
Hi Robert, thank you for the information. I totally agree with you about not waiting until damage is done. I still don't understand the whole "watch and wait", especially when I continue feeling worse everyday. It's getting so hard to stay positive, but I do. Have a nice rest of your day.
I was diagnosed at 50 and had my first treatment at 55,I am now almost 65. My first treatment was Rituxan and Bendamustine 6 cycles 28 days a part. Not gonna lie it was tough..I got about 5 years out of that treatment. Had a fantastic doctor who was kind and so knowledgeable. I was sad when he retired. But doctors and treatments change so you have to roll with it. Have had treatment off and on since then..most recently with Calquence. Currently on surveillance..the new term for watch and doctor new language. So many new treatments out for Cll since my first your research and listen to gut. Best of luck.
I never had a treatment but I do have medication? I understand that medication is good until the cells mutate and the medication becomes ineffective? My medication uses the BTK Inhibitor to attach to B or T cells and make the cells inactive. Before I began my medication I had 75K WBC and today 6.9K. I read that the next medication in development will attach to the WBC mitochondria. This medication may be approved 3 to 5 years? I think my current medication will be good for 3 to 5 years. The new term for medication is "control' which means it controls the illness until it mutates. My first doctor may have used wait and wait which means he did not do anything except tell me "don't worry?" My new doctor uses "share and care" which means he tells me everything about my health, how medication works, etc. I am so glad I did not wait until my organs were damaged before taking medication.
Hi Christine, thank you for the information. Hope you're having a good day.
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