What Are The Chances?
My sister in law was diagnosed with leukemia last year at 66, had a stem cell transplant and is doing well. This week my brother in law was diagnosed with leukemia. Seems odd two people from the same household get leukemia. One doctor in passing asked if they lived by cornfields (which they are surrounded by) due to all the chemicals sprayed on the crops. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have APL. When my husband was admitted to ICU for respiratory failure and a heart attack-his blood work showed CLL. So it is kind of odd, we both had leukemia. He died Nov 16th of aspiration pneumonia.
Hope the transfusion goes well, never had to vet the transfusion. Been treated a couple times and hanging in remission while on Venclexta now.
Yes, I lived among soy bean fields where they were regularly crop dusted 40-50 years ago: I have ALL (Age 56 at diagnosis) my mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma the year before (Age 74 at diagnosis).
Thank you for the info.
Monica gentle hugs . I am so sorry you lost your husband.
Why Doesn't This Social Media Call CMML A Type Of Leukemia?
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