Is A Swollen Lymph Node In Groin A Symptom That Should Necessitate Treatment?
I was just diagnosed with CCL in December and off and on feel a definite fullness in my left groin. I think the Dr. said it is lymph nodes pushing on tissue. Also occassional pain in spleen. He didn't seem cocerned to start me on treatment.
I would definitely make sure that your Oncologist knows about the lump....especially if it wasn't there before. Hopefully it isn't anything out of the ordinary or serious. Good luck.
My oncologist looks for fatigue, night sweats or weight loss, not the numbers.
Swollen lymph nodes in the groin can be a symptom of leukemia or lymphoma. In the case of leukemia, swollen lymph nodes often stay swollen past the usual two weeks, are not painful to the touch, and grow over time. If you notice persistent swelling, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis Show Full Answer
My husband just had extensive blood work and his wbc is still high but his Oncologist still wants him on “watch and wait”.
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