Are Any LEUKEMIA Diseases Related To AutoImmune Diseases?
Can Autoimmune disease be caused by Asbestos? - And, is Asbestos cancers connected to Lupus or Sjogren's Sybdrome in any way? --- p.s. - why doesn't anyone answer this question? -- (Email address can only be seen by MyLeukemiaTeam users)
I don't know. Next time when you see your doctor ask him.
Before my husband finally was diagnosed with CMML, we saw a rheumatologist. He ran many tests and concluded that my husband did not have any autoimmune issue. We feel like we have some good physicians, but I've decided there's a lot they just don't know.
My immune markers are all over the map W/ 0 IGA and high IGM and IGG. My ANA was pretty high and CD3 and CD4 were almost but just not quite a positive marker. I'm almost Lupus but I'm not. I have Vasospastic angina and a nasal polyp. I am confused but I'm not sure they will be able to fix that. So yup Chronic Inflammation is my Diagnosis. Taking hydroxycloriquine, why? I don't know! No one can provide answers.🙃
I was diagnosed with AML April 2016, Had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 3 yrs before by my PCP, but just recently went to a Rheumatologist who formally diagnosed me and is treating me for it. Now when I was in school, the buildings had asbestos in them and when torn down, they had to do alot of the extra work getting rid of it. It seems there is ALOT of people I went to school with in these buildings who've gotten different forms of cancers and died from it. Not sure if it's connected or not, but I've been asking that question for years now since me being diagnosed with AML.
I don't know, asbestos I have heard can be. But, honestly I have to say, that's a question to ask your doctor.
Helo, - Are Any Autoimmune Diseases (like Sjogrens Or Lupus) Related To Or Linked To Any Cancers Or Leukemias?
Lab Results
Are There Any New Treatments For Cmml? I Have Just Resd Your Post About Leukemia And Heart Disease.