Do Other Members Here That Have Been Diagnosed With MDS Have A CBC Blood Draw Every Week?
Yep I get mine once a week.have been for long time
yes. Diagnosed with MDS last July and running CBC's a minimum of once per week and up to 3x per week when taking chemo.
Hi! I hope everybody is doing well. Happy Memorial Day to everyone!
I had AML, finished my chemo in July 2022. Has been on remission since after my induction back in Feb 2022. But since july up to now, i see my onco/hemo and do bloodwork every month. She said it will be like that for 2 years, because the risk of relapse mostly happen within the first 2years. After that, I can do every 6 months follow-up.
With my first oncologist I went every Monday and Friday. My current oncologist checks me once a month unless Iām feeling bad, then I call and she does labs.
How often is your Chemo? Mine is every 4th week.
Are There Any Members Here That Have Become Transfusion Dependent And If So How Long? Thank You.
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