Can Any One With LGL Tell Me About Your Experience?
Do you have extreme fatigue with LGL?
Three years and three biopsy . I've had red blood transfusions every week since I started.. Seven chemo treatments that did not work. Liver keeping me from having my next chemo but its getting better with iron removal three times a week. can not do any physical work or walk more then 75 yards.
Yes with or without chemo drugs. Joint pain is real bad too.
Three years of ups and downs.everyone has different side effects. Seven chemo treatments with little to show for it. In my case I have another blood disorder which changes the the medication they use. Weekly blood draws and weekly blood transfusion,one a week for three years. Average 15 visits a month to the clinic. Liver is border line. Too much iron which make your liver not work to good. Waiting to get liver numbers down so I can take new chemo. This will give you an idea what can happen. Thanks Jim good luck and hope you have a easy road ahead
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