Im a 23 yr survivor of cml. One of the problems I've had is teeth issues ssi was told. The insurance doesn't cover much. Does anyone hv a link to get any kind of help for this as implants would be ideal.
Thank you,
Scott Weathersby
Bainbridge Ga
Thank you rnpeggyh. Im 67 in October. I was on disability until I turned 65. Now on SS. I'll check with this site you mentioned. Thank you
Insurance companies do not cover implants. I saved for many years and then found a cheaper place to do them, as the costs are ridiculous. But even so it cost me a bundle. Mine include a bridge which is cheaper.
Hello Scott, you might start by asking your dentist if he/she knows of any discount clinics in your area . Also check with a local community health center as they often can give suggestions or leads. I don't know your age or if you are a veteran but Dental Lifeline Network may be able to help. They target people over 65 as well as disabled. With a diagnosis of CML you might be able to be considered disabled. If you happen to be over 65 and a veteran, you have some possibilities. Good luck!
Implants are the wave of the future.That being said natural teeth are best. I have a couple of implants and have had no trouble with them. Some private insurance helps with the cost. There is a charge for the implant and a charge for the crown that goes on top of the implant. Definitely not inexpensive. Contact your local Dental Society in your community and ask them for recommendations. I used to work in the dental field. Good luck!
The problem with implants is that often immune compromised bodies can react more easily to the metals in one's mouth. If you have implants, they should be a porcelain stud which insurance usually won't cover if you even have dental insurance.
Many times a bridge is the best option. Also, it can be really hard for sockets to heal totally. Dentists often think the socket is healed when it isn't and people end up having the stud removed due to infection. Usually unending pain is a sign of infection in the socket.
Years ago I had an unknown infection develop after a filling. The tooth wouldn't stop hurting, no matter what he did. He didn't realize there was a deep infection. He finally pulled the tooth and after years of pain, it quit hurting. I ended up with a bridge. That was the only thing left to do.
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