Anyone Develop Heart Related Problems While Being Treated For CLL? Blood Pressure Is Going Up And Developing Heart Flutter.
I don’t much believe in coincidence…. Just saying
I have CML and developed low blood pressure when standing. I spend 3 days in the hospital this past July and they ran all sorts of tests and the only thing they could find was the low pressure.. I also have high blood pressure but it existed prior to being diagnosed with CML. I also feel as if my medication is going to kill me before the CML does as it has made my kidney disease worse.
Actually just got out of the hospital for the same thing. They ended up having to do a cardiac ablation because the medication wasn't controlling the AFib. This seems to be pretty common with the drugs used to treat leukemia. I was telling my wife just the other day that I think the side effects from the chemotherapy would end up killing me before the cancer did.
I have had high blood pressure for years (runs in my family) but have had problems since being diagnosed with CML (2.5 years ago) with it dropping when I stand up. I was in the hospital a week ago because of a fall and fell yesterday morning causing bruising to my face. I was displaced due to the hurricane and am on the other side of Houston and it has been decided that I will live with one son and be close to another which gives me a bigger support team but I am having to change doctors and can't get an appointment with a cardiologist until September. I'm am hoping he will have luck finding a medication that will regulate my b/p better.
Imbruvica gave me Afib too. Then put on Calquence & it was even worse. Afib & heart issues are a side effect of both drugs. I was put on blood thinners for the Afib but they forgot to keep checking blood clotting times so I had a brain bleed and in hospital for 10 days. What’s scary is this was at one of the top cancer centers in the country!! Luckily I didn’t have any serious long term effects from the brain bleed.
We have to be our own advocates & not depend on our doctors always monitoring our medications like they should.
Is It Ok To Receive Chemo For Leukemia When You Have Congestive Heart Failure.
Just Curious How My Heart Failure Is Going To Play Into My Cll
Dizziness While Taking Calquence