Why Do Our Joints Ache And Stiffen, And Why Do We Have Bone Pain? It Is Frustrating To Exercise And Walk, Only To Have My Joints Ache.
I am only in watch and wait, most labs normal, only elevated lymphocytes or low neutrophils. My joints should not ache so bad.
I try and power through my aches and pains unless it’s really bad. I listen to my body a lot more with CLL. You know the drill…good days, bad days.😬😲Take care♥️
It is Leukemic Arthritis, it mimics Gout an Septic Arthritis an is most common with CLL hope this helps,
God bless
Sedona my joints ache especially bad. I can't hardly hold anything heavy in upright ur perpendicular to floor. Feels like a knife going in them. I hv had them checked everyway even physical therapy. Nothing. Dr told me it could be arthritis,chemo, construction work all my life,etc. I hv noticed the less sugar I eat it's better but still there. Now under my knees my legs ache especially if I stand long on concrete. It's always something new. When strength training I could do for example a chest press pushing away from me. I used machine's never free weights except dumbbells for a particular exercise. When I got to the point to increase weight I found I could only do what I was able
Could not go any higher
If you find the answer I'd like to know.
Hope you are ok regardless.
Hi SrDonna:):) Have you talked to your regular doctor about your aches and pains to rule out arthritis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, etc.? A bone density test is also a good idea to have done. Maybe ask if doctor will also check to see if you are Vitamin D deficient..simple blood test. There are also other types of low impact things to do that may help depending on what you have access to. Our local hospital has a wellness center that has a huge indoor pool and offer class's specifically for those with arthritis, etc. When my mom was alive, she would go a couple times a week and it helped her knees immensely. I have a DVD called Easy Yoga for Arthritis and a few times a week I will pop that in and it has helped me. As we always say on this forum, all of our bodies are different and what works for one may or may not work for the other. Hope the rest of your day is bright and cheery!:):)
When it comes to joint and bone pain, it comes and goes, it was most severe when I was in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy. It's been 20+ years since treatment and the pain still comes and goes. I just thank God that it's not as bad as it once was.
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