Have LGL Anyone Experience Any Problems With Their Skin. No Meds. Still On Watch And Wait
Me too, but I read that CML people are prone to getting fungal problems. It's one of the side-effects of the cancer or of the medication (maybe both.) It is extremely annoying. Best of luck with this.
I am also getting fungal infections, very annoying
I bruise easily and it takes several days to stop bleeding when I cut myself. At first they said to stop low dose aspirin, it still continued, then they said it was steroid use, I stopped that, it still continued, dr says platelets are fine and he's not concerned, so I live withe the bruises.
I had a fungal experience last year
now I get various rashes when my Igg gets low
My skin has become very dry, but I'm in San Antonio, so the air is also dry. However, I do bruise easily with the slightest knock. I used to bruise when I smoked, but I quit 7 years ago and bruising lessened for awhile.. My latest blood work last week had no change and I'm not on meds either. I hope you are enjoying your day.
Has Anyone Been Getting Squamous Cell Cancers Of The Skin From Their Meds
Dizziness While Taking Calquence
Any LGL In The Rapid City Or AZ Area ?