Has Anyone Experience Problems With Your Skin?
Yes, people with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) can experience various skin problems. These include:
- Lesions and Rashes: Skin changes can occur due to reduced immunity or as side effects of CLL medications
- Infections: Common infections include herpes simplex virus, cold sores, and ringworm.
- Second Skin Tumors: Show Full Answer
Yes i recently started having sebhorreic dermatitis on my face and like, thick, dry skin, if that makes sense. I could get out of a hot shower and the towel produced rolls of dead skin, i can scratch it off with a fingernail when its wet. the seb derm on my face is controlled with zinc bar soap and a sulfur cream. my dr told me that these issues arose because my liver is enlarged, due to the excess white blood cells, and that once those are under control and my liver heals, that my issues should resolve. I started having those issues around a month or so before my yearly physical, and it was the blood work from that that showed high white cell count and alerted them to CML. I just started taking gleevec today.
What about small pumps in the inside of your lips. I have LGL
I have had no skin issues before or during my CLL illness. My medication to control my WBC does mention to avoid sun light? Our illness may affect other levels of health (skin, flu, energy, etc.) which were not a concern in the past. I have increased my awareness of vitamins and supplements to ensure I do not have other issues with my health? I think because of my increase healthy effort I have not even had a cold or flu in the past two years. I hope my taking vitamins and supplements has been effective with my good health? I think you can solve your issues and be healthier and happier in the future by reviewing your approach to being healthy and how it is either effective or affective with your health?
I have like cold sores on my lower lips which last a couple of days then there gone, but i also have cracking on the outer side of my mouth. So i apply chapstick and it seems to help alot.
Have LGL Anyone Experience Any Problems With Their Skin. No Meds. Still On Watch And Wait
Hi! As There Is No Classification Under The Leukemia Types, Is There Any Other APL Leukemia Diagnosed Persons Here I Can Relate To?
Anyone Had Really Dry Skin If So What Type Of Moisturizer Do You Use?