I Have AML As Of 7/18/24). Scheduled For Chemotherapy On 7/31/24. Has Anyone Had It. Does The New Med Attack Bad Cell Only. Please Advis
I was diagnosed on 9/19/23. By 9/23 they started treating me with Vyxeos. I received it every other day until 9/27. It got me into remission.
I received a SCT on 12/15/23, but I recently relapsed and am on another treatment plan.
BTW I’m 65, and I live in NY. Good luck with your treatment.
Here is the link my hemotalogist
send I read that a few times.
What is your advice.
I don’t have any personal experience with Vyxeos. From what I’ve read, it is a form of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy attacks cancer cells as well as healthy cells. But the healthy cells recover more quickly.
You might want to do some more research on the drug.
I live in NJ and I am 79 yrs old
I have AML and been dealing with it for 4 years. It has come back 4 times. Right now I am on venclexta and Vidaza for 5 days a month.
John Murray
Sending prayers and good thought.
I was good and it came back 4 times
Now on Vidaza and Velecl
As Of 7/18/24 I Am Digonised With AML. Scheduled For Chemotherapy In A Few Weeks Has Anyone Done This . Please Advise . Thanks God Bl
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