Has Anybody Had Any Positive Or Negative Effects Of Calquence For Call Thxs
agree with Christine5. Two weeks of headaches and pretty much every other side effect with Calquence. No noticeable side effects with Brukinsa after 1/2 dose for a month. Just starting a full dose 320 mg/day tomorrow. Fingers crossed. What I have found for both me and my child (who was diagnosed in 2007 with JRA) is that we are on the cusp of alot of new meds being discovered; in some ways guinea pigs but on the flip side lucky to have something! Ask for the newest, best med. IMO Brukinsa. There is also Jaypirca, but doesn't have as much global approval - it's quite new and works differently from what I saw. It was really a choice for me and I had to do my own research!!
100 milligrams 2x a day 8 hours apart. I have very good insurance but for those that don’t …I don’t know they afford it. I have had Cll for 15 years and have chemo 4 times. Side effects are hard but the Calquence was the worst. Brukinsa is a topic of conversation between my doctor and myself. Good to know you have a good experience. Best of luck.
I started Calquence in February of this year and stopped it cold turkey in May. The side effects were overwhelming for me.The headaches and diarrhea were an everyday occurrence. But the one side effect I couldn’t accept was the confusion..I would get in the car to run errands and couldn’t remember where I was going or what I was doing. Spoke with the doctor and he said “stay the coarse”..needless to say he is my former doctor. New doctor wonders why he didn’t cut the dose. Don’t get me wrong ..it’s a drug that helps so many people and the manufacturer offers co-pay cards but it’s not the only drug out there. Back on Watch and wait for now.
Thank you Robert that's the first I've ever heard about "defect" I've been taking Brukinsa for over a year with great results this month was 9.3 for my WBC but my doctor has never mentioned anything about special defects. I have b cell leukemia CLL but I will definitely ask I don't know why all of a sudden they want to change?? The doctor say it's a VA thing they get a better cost the more the oncologist get on board to give it to their patients. Calquence is a 2nd gen btk inhibitor it does not stay in the blood stream as long as Brukinsa. From what I've read online, switching from Brukinsa to Calquence is a down grade although there are supposed to be less side effects with Calquence then Brukinsa but I have not have had any side affects with Brukinsa. I guess we'll just see what happens thanks for the info.
Thank you Christina, that's good to know I am leery about this medication I've done so well on Brukinsa with no side effects the pharmacist who's working with my oncologist told me today that that it was an easy crossover they're the same kind of medication may I ask how many milligrams you are taking a day thank you
I Have CLL And Have Just Stopped Taking Venclexta After One Year. Has Anyone Experienced Any Positive Or Negative Effects? Fingers Crossed.
Hate Leukemia, How Do You Deal With It Day In And Day Out? Its Been A Year And After Saying My Son Leukemia Numbers Were Good, Now I Find
Hi Everyone, Has Anyone Here Been Prescribed Brukinsa For Their Cll/sll? If So , Did You Experience Any Side Affects? 🤔