Has Anyone Been On The Oral Chemo Called Ingovi, Or Venetoclax? My Oncologist Is Also Putting Me On Antibiotics And Anti-fungals.
My oncologist, Dr. Farruhk Awan, of UTSW, put my on a regimen of obinituzumab and I had no side effects with that. He also put me on Venetoclax. These two meds were overlapping. To ward off infections, I am on acyclovir twice daily and I take Pentamidine monthly via a breathalyzer. Both of these are for infections. A previous antibiotic for my lungs was allowing my system to be susceptible to infections, but these two are working. I take the four tablets of Venetoclax at noon each day, but I am now realizing that pm might be better. Fatigue is the primary side effect. I am finished with the obinituzumab and will complete the regimen for Venetoclax in March.
Best wishes to all of us in our treatments for SLL/CLL.
I was diagnosed with MBL (monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis) this spring. Based on the apparent absence of key symptoms, I was slated for watchful waiting.
Then, in June, I developed afib (atrial fibrillation). That prompted a CT scan, which showed an enlarged spleen and numerous enlarged lymph nodes. This changed my diagnosis to the SLL (small lymphocytic lymphoma) variant CLL.
I started a 6-cycle course of Gazyva (obinutuzamab) at the end of July. My final infusion was last week. My only side-effect was an infusion-related reaction on the 1st and 2nd days.
I started Venclexta (venetoclax) in mid-August and will continue until Sept 2025. So far, no side-effects.
Good luck with your treatment.
I would had asked about the requirement for Antibiotics And Anti-fungals? This to me seems like a good precaution but you seem to have something gooding on to require this precaution? For my health I take vitamins and supplements. Vitamin D really is effect again leukekimia and I take zinc for other common illnesses. I have not been ill for the past 2 years. I hope your treatment is successful and you are healthy and happy.
Yes, I was on both Inqovi and Venetoclax to treat AML. However, I relapsed and am now on a different medication.
I have also been taking daily antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal medications.
So glad to hear you're doing well on O&V! I will be starting them in Jan.
I'm having fatigue now, so I guess that won't be different.....
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