As A Cancer Patient Are You Making Any New Year's Resolutions?
If you are then share them with us here 😁
Stop acting my age and embrace being a 'Kid at Heart' And get back into 'meditation'.
Continuing to being grateful for and living each day to the fullest, Remembering This Is Not a Practice Run!! You've got the idea Mike!
Um…I’m pretty new to all of this. I suppose my resolution is to do everything I can to get better and stay better.
You're right, tomorrow is no guarantee. Be th e best you can be today and God will take care of tomorrow. Have faith and patience 🙏
I've never made NY resolutions but I do try to be a better person every year and be thankful for the many blessings I received the year before. I guess that's enough for me!!
Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year and most of all for being a friend to so many on this site! 🥰
As A Cancer Patient Are You Going To Make Any New Years Resolutions, And If So What Are They?
As A Cancer Patient What Is Your New Years Resolution? 😊
Why Doesn't This Social Media Call CMML A Type Of Leukemia?