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What Is The Thinking Behind The Watch And Wait Period?

A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Redmond, WA
January 6
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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I just had what I think is my 8th "Watch & Wait" follow up during which they drew my blood and checked where All of my numbers are now and compared to previous visits. I was informed that with CLL I may NEVER need treatment, and that if I ever do that, I am still probably not going to die because of my Leukemia but rather because of old age or something unrelated to my cancer. They use the "Watch & Wait' period to decide when and if we will EVER need to start treatment and what kind of treatment we will need.

Today I was told that my WBC went from 28k in August to 48k now, my RBC is at 4.38, and my platelets are borderline. I have a rather large swollen lymph node in my neck which they are scheduling me for CT of the neck and chest to determine if it is now time for me to start treatment.

I am under the impression that my treatment (if started) will be immune therapy and though I am a little concerned about starting treatment now when I am only 60 years old, I figure I might have another 20 years give or take.

All I can do is continue to trust God and my doctors.

January 6
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Yes, I was diagnosed w/ CLL in 2012. So, with regular blood labs, they would 'watch' my blood labs, and 'wait' till starting treatment would be worth enduring some of its side effects. I didn't start treatments till 2022. And at that that time, treatment had become a necessity.

Two years later, I am now in remission. And ironically, I am again on 'watch and wait' having regular blood labs again... waiting for the possibility/probability that the cll will someday return. On average, three to five years.

Your oncologist should inform you of your blood lags and your WBC counts. Seem when it starts to approach the 80s or 90s... they started to discuss treatment options.

Stay informed with your oncologist.... maintain an open dialog.

January 6
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I was also able to receive a grant for my medication.

January 9
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I think there is a big difference between treatment and medication? Treatment to me means chemo which is a chemical which may attack both good and bad cells? This chemical used could be toxic or cancer causing? Medication is something which attacks bad cells and does not harm organs or good cells. Medication can control an illness until the cells mutate and can't be controlled? I started my medication when my WBC count was 75K. I did not have any sign of problems but I wanted medication before I had organ damage (lymph glands, etc.) All medications list ill affects but I had no ill affects from my medication. I know there are many different medication available for controlling the effects of leukemia. The medication is very expensive ($15500 per month) and I think this is why doctor fail to prescribe medication? People can't afford the medication co-payment (my co-pay was $3400 per month.) The Leukemia Society does provide grants to assist with payment (my grant was $4000.) I hope people get medical help before their illness becomes damaging and I hope people get answers so that they can make a good choice with their health? I hope you can get the answers you need to have a healthier and happy life.

January 7
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Thank you

January 6

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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Freedom, PA
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