Has Anyone Experienced Extreme Fatigue Before Getting Treatment For CLL?
I am in watch and wait mode for CLL after being diagnosed a couple of years ago. Pain and fatigue are what originally sent me to the doctor before diagnosis. Has anyone else experienced worsening pain and extreme fatigue before treatment?
Yes...I also have fatigue and bone pain and I am in watch and wait. I also have CLL. As a wise CLL person told me, CLL is different for each of us. Some od us have n symptoms some have few symptoms and some many symptoms. The blood work does not tell the entire story.
I bruise very easy also, but my blood work does not support my symptoms.
The best part of CLL is have a wonderful, support network of people who understand and care.
We are in all the stages from watch and wait to end of life, but all of us are fighters!!!
Find the good in all you are going through, it makes it tolerable and sometimes even funny π.
Best of luck!
I have always had severe fatigue. No different today. Very hard to function so I swim for enjoyment and exercise. I have declined treatment to the disgruntled doctors but after all, there is no cure. Why add more misery to misery?
I have lately been experiencing extreme fatigue, if I let my self I would stay in bed all day. Approximately two years before diagnosis I would get very tired mid afternoon, I could not understand why.
I am coming up on one year anniversary of finding out I have CLL,no treatment yet watch and waite. Now I have extreme headaches, bone pain from my hips to my feet, a rash all over my body and my medical doctor is running blood any other test on my liver be cause it's developed issues, I work full time and travel at least every other week to see my daughter and grandsons 3 hours away because she has to work on weekends herself, it gives me peace of mind to see them. I won't give in to this I keep going forward
Before I was diagnosed w CLL/SLL, in October 2022, I first felt extreme fatigue for 3-4 weeks, along w hip pain, right knee pain, right shoulder pain, & low back pain & sciatica. Had either x-rays, CT scans or MRIβs, on all painful joints. Turned out I have bone on bone right knee, torn labrum in left hip, torn rotator cuff right shoulder. My CLL/SLL was found incidentally w a MRI of my back. I then had an enlarged lymph node removed to help w diagnosis as well as 2 bone marrow biopsies.
I was given the choice of watch & wait as labs were either on high or low end of values, but I chose treatment as my joint & bone pains were unbearable. I am currently taking Calquence twice a day & the past 3 days both my knees are swollen. A week after I started the targeted therapy med, I felt so much better.
What Kind Of Cheese Can I Eat. I Especially Like Brie.
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