I Know I'm Not The Only One!!! I Survived AML 34yrs + Ago!! Lotta Problems With Teeth Now!! Is There Help With Dental Problems?? TY
Yes get oral 7 enzyme paste from Amazon. It was developed in the UK by cancer patients. Dry mouth and a lack of enzymes kills teeth.
There are many cluster areas currently on this site!!! You are absolutely correct!!! Happening currently all over the world! EPA contacts are URGENT! My Mom worked in a HS in Date County… Miami, FL… Asbestos, black mold, among other carcinogens in & around the building… Too many Teachers, Personell & Students we’re DX’d with all different types of Cancer’s! FL is LOADED W/CARCINOGENS… Naturally occurring from all the land, air, water, chemicals, mold’s, pollutant’s… I’m a second to 3rd generation of CLL! As a wise woman, Gloria Adams said, on this site, the Carcinogens are EVERYWHERE… Not just weed killer, etc… We must be our own ADVOCATES! Elaine, I here ur story… Waay Too Often… having lost the childhood friends in your community… 🤗💜
Hi something I have noticed is leukemia treatment affects the teeth especially making plaques more frequent and teeth brittle. However I suggest you use calcium supplements and vit c- 1000.
I also take our local vegetable juices to build up immunity and platelets count which I check monthly
OK back to teeth, right before I was diagnosed with the cll, blood test keep showing blood infection. Talking to doctors, sent to dentist. Had one that was bad, talked me into prevention. Took what I had left out, worst mistake of my life.
I lived in a small town and was part of a neighborhood "posse" that played together all summer. One of the homes always had an ammonia truck parked in the driveway. The dad owned the ammonia company and wanted to keep a tanker there in case a farmer needed it immediately. When I found out I had AML I did two things - I contacted the state utility commission to find out if benzine was ever found in our well water, and I researched ammonia. I knew that ammonia has benzine as an ingredient, but it never really fell in place until a friend sent me a picture of a few of the kids (me included) playing in a mud puddle just to one side of the truck. We were probably 8 or 9 years old. Of the 4 of us playing there, I'm the only one still alive. The other 3 died of different kinds of leukemia or lung cancer. I may be way off base - it's just one of the things I'll never find out. And as far as dental problems - I never had odd dental problems until about six months after my transplant. My teeth are breaking off and I've never had that problem.
This Is On Flow Cytometry Said Submitted Dx Elevation Leukemia And Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Can Anyone Tell Me What This Means ,I Don't Know
Teeth And Chemo
Just Looking For Some Thoughts, I Have Had Increased Nausea And Acid Reflux Since My CLL Diagnosis.