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What To Expect From 1st Appointment With My Oncologist/hematologist Since Being Diagnosed With CLL/SLL.

A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Baltimore, MD

Good morning everyone!

I have my 1st appointment with my oncologist/hematologist since being diagnosed with CLL/SLL. Can anyone tell me what I should expect for that discussion and if I should plan to take the day off of work?

Thanks in advance and have a blessed day on purpose!

July 26, 2022
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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

At the first appointment my Hematologist asked about symptoms, checked my lymph nodes and ordered more on-going blood tests. I also had the results of a blood test I had already taken before the appointment. She explained what CLL is and answered my questions. She said she needed to run special test to confirm a CLL diagnosis. She said in the early stages 0-1, many people don't have many symptoms. (I had symptoms but they were livable.) Until the Lukemia is causing you problems and until your blood counts/tests worsen, they don't usually treat it. You get put in a catagory I am in watch and wait stage.
Everyone is different and different doctors treat CLL differently. So make sure you have a good doctor, read all you can abut the disease, and ask a.lot of questions. They have many trials you can look into and join, for new treatments and there are continuing medical advancements mad all the time to treat CLL. They have improved and keep improving how to diagnose and treat CLL. So of all the cancers out there CLL is not so bad, at for me it is not so bad yet and I think I will have many more good years to live. Soooo, I will enjoy life as long as I can.

May 8, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

My first appointment due to my CLL with my hematologist disappointed me. I won’t go into all the details, but it seems like he could’ve cared less. No big deal you’ve got leukemia come back in six months will deal with it when you have symptoms. I switched Hematologist. I’m not saying he was wrong, but what I am saying is emotionally he was wrong.

May 1, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Hang in there John. I had to fire a couple of doctors before I landed with a good one. My motto became "I'm paying YOU to treat me like this???" Remember, we can talk with our $$$$ and if you aren't feeling heard you can take your business elsewhere!

May 2, 2023 (edited)
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I have had CLL since 2015, and am still on watch and wait. I go to Moffitt Cancer Center. They do blood work every 6 months. My WBCs are 77,000, but still no treatment. Otherwise I’m fine. No bone marrow biopsies or pet scans, just blood work.

January 12, 2024
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

I was diagnosed with CLL in 2018 and am Watching and Waiting, stage zero. I read @A MyLeukemiaTeam Member response and my experience tracks identically. My primary care physician found abnormal lab results and immediately referred me to an oncologist who had already received my lab test results. He told me what I had, told me about my Stage, and what to expect.

I have since been getting quarterly blood work. So far I feel no different than I did five years ago. WBC varies regularly, but I don’t feel any effects from CLL. From my prostate cancer either.

May 28, 2023

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