How Often Should You Get Tested After Being Diagnosed With CLL??
I was actually diagnosed by a hematologist two years ago. I've seen her once since then. I realy want to know what's going on. Someone to actually talk to me about this. A nurse that likes to do research said she would like to check my medical records to see if/when it had been mentioned in my records. She found it noted back in July of 1989. The symptoms have gotten so bad there are days I can't even function or I sleep all day and night. There are days I don't eat and days I eat one slice of… read more
Do you mean more than the periodoc blood tests that I and i think most other CLL folk do at least every 6 months? If not then that is how it is on W&W. Don't fret be thankful! But you could ask for a thoracic CT since you might have a swollen spleen. That will make you feel full after a few bites.
I was diagnosed in 2005 with a biopsy of a lymph node on my neck. Watch and wait with blood tests every 6 months. In 2017 another biopsy and started treatment. Monthly blood tests. I am doing well. Perhaps you need to speak with your oncologist. I am on a short leash and appreciate the care I'm getting. Nothing like you are presenting. Sometimes you need to be your own advocate.
I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago with SLL and was on wait and watch. Had monthly blood tests and met with a PA or my oncologist every three months until last year and it became CLL. Fast forward to today I was put on Brukinsa a month ago because my blood counts were off and I’m anemic. My symptoms like night sweats and fatigue became worse before I was put on this targeted therapy. Very few side affects, night west’s disappeared in the first week, lymph nodes shrinking, but my ankles are swollen. I do have more energy though. I did weekly blood work when I first started meds but now every other week and meet with dr every third week. I hope my info helps you!
Thx for sharing. I’m about to start taking Acalacutrib(sp?) by Calquence and have heard good results from this. And yes some symptoms too. I’m being hopeful! Faith, family and friends are all on my side!
As my CLL advanced ( W+W for over 7 years) I reverted to 6 monthly blood tests and subsequent haematologist appt.Now just started Calquence due to marginal RBC and date few side effects except for headaches.
How Many TKIs Are Their Available To Fight CML
How Long After Being Diagnosed With CLL Will I Need To Have Imaging (PET Scan, MRI, CT, Etc) Done?
What To Expect From 1st Appointment With My Oncologist/hematologist Since Being Diagnosed With CLL/SLL.