Does Anyone Experience Symptoms Of Leukemia That Come And Go?
My blood work results are never the same. So high, some low then the go normal.
Chemo makes your numbers low, and then when you are off chemo your numbers go up. Then they give you more chemo and your numbers go low. Depends on your situation but that is how it is for my son. So they are always watching the numbers because of this.
Thank you kindly and yes I will continue to advocate for.myself. great advice and continued support and success
Hi SC. Depends on what you have going on with your entire immune system. Believe you see an oncologist on the 20th, so they will be able to define what you actually have yanno. I have CLL and yes, my counts are never the same, but with lymphocytes/white blood counts never are in the normal range since my diagnosis 7 yrs. ago. I'm still on what is called wait and watch. Just be sure and do not hesitate to ask the doctor you'll be seeing any questions you may have....advocate for yourself ok. Keep in mind as well, that all of our immune systems are completely different and often there are no concrete/defined answers. Best of luck this week and let us know how your appointment goes ok. :):)
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