I've Had CLL Since 2016. Am At The Point Of Looking At Treatment. My Dr Is Talking About Iv Therapy And A Pill For A Year. I'm Looking For M
medicine effects and side effects. very scary to me.
No reaction at all.
I'm with you on that.
I found the symptoms of CLL to be be quite scary and uncomfortable I’m not saying a 2 year clinical trial on Ibrutinib & Venetoclax was a cakewalk but it Was easier for me than dealing with CLL God has our back especially when we go through rough times He has given me 3 years of a beautiful undetectable remission 🙌 Soultime is right no one can help unless you have the name’s of your drugs You also need to know your Karyotype in order to know if you are on the right drugs and I would be sure your hematologist is a good one Don’t be afraid to get on oral medication for your CLL There is always something to remedy the side effects Overall you will feel better and be happier. Take charge do some research to make sure you are on the right treatment road You can do it !!!
Hi Cynth. If you post on here what the name of the medicines are, people will let you know what their experiences were/are. Everybody's system/body is different and I've seen where some people ask the oncologist to start with a low dose vs. the recommended dose to see how their body adjusts. And I've seen where the oncologist has to change/try another type of medicine if one's system can't handle the one initially prescribed. Ask questions of your oncologist and absolutely here on this wonderful and supportive forum:):)
I have had CLL since 2013. I felt a few lymph nodes under my arm and one on my neck.
My Dr talked to me about starting the Chemo IV and Chemo pills.
Well, I just finished my last Chemo IV on January 10th.
The Chemo pills were started about a month after the IV.
With both the IV and pills I feel great, no side effects at all.
Who Here Has Cll? What Stage? How Long?
Is There Anyone Who Was Diagnosed With CLL While In Their 40’s?
Has Anyone Had Any Bone Issues With CML, ALL, AML, CLL?