Anyone Been Diagnosed With CMML High Risk? My Husband Is Starting Chemo Tuesday 3 Days A Week, 4 Weeks Off. He's 71.
I think I heard a pod cast from an Oncologist at Mayo, was one of experts in CMML. Your in good hands.
Hang in there, 1_day at a time....i will add you to my team.
Yes that's what we were told and if the chemo he will be getting doesn't work there's a new oral drig idh1 or something like that.
I believe this is the first step to get numbers under control. For SCT there is stronger cbemo and stay in hospital, if you qualify for a SCT health wise, and have a matching donor.
He has ASXL1, IDH1, RUNX1, ZRSR2. .71 monocytes low platelets, rbc, normal white. He was told if no chemo only months to live. Just diagnosed January of '24 after a year of testing.
Allogeneic (donor) Stem Cell Transplant
Any With A CMML1 Diagnosis?
Anyone Been Diagnosed With CMML (Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia)?