Does It Seem That There Is Less Mention Of CMML Than CML, For Example?
Not much mentioned about cmml. I wish there was more.
CMML is rare, along with other types of Lukemia on this site, its one of the least common with CLL/SLL being most common. Even though CMML seems about 2 to 3% of folkz on this site, the CMML community here is more active than anywhere else. CML is different than CMML. Really like to connect more with the CMML community here.
Well…that’s what I have read on my own. It seems the people I have met so far are kind and have quite a bit of information regarding Leukemia. So, I will continue to listen and hope to gain some insight to this disease! Thank you, Rich!
Yes, it is! What I understand about survival rates is to be careful what you read on the internet. Every person is different and some are diagnosed early into the disease and some later. We are just relying on our Hematologist and test results. And hoping for a cure other than a stem cell transplant. My husband has been told that he is not a candidate, because of his age.
Just trying to stay positive!
Prayers and peace to you Susan!
Is CMML The Same As CML ?
Allogeneic (donor) Stem Cell Transplant
Does Anybody Know What The Difference Is In CML And Cmml?