Has Anyone Ever Had Mohs Surgery On Squamous Cell Carcinoma Skin Cancer..on Face Before..if So How Did It Go?
I Never had surgery for skin cancer, but my Dermatologist did give me some stuff to put on my face for it, it burned like hell for a while, but healed up nicely after the treatment. This was two days after putting on the chemo ointment that she gave me, and about a year after the treatment. It didn't take a year to heal, It jus took that long for me to get another picture. The healing only took a couple of weeks
I had Mohs on my face. A specialist with a Dematology Group did it. He did an excellent job. My dermatologist had already done the biopsy a few days prior which confirmed it as squamous. He numbed the skin gave me a shot, removed the squamous, sent it to the lab to make sure he got it all and sewed me up. It took a few hours for the Mohs. He told me immediately after he removed the stitches a few days later to massage the area so it wouldn't have a huge a huge scar. I followed his instructions. You can barely see anything. It's on my cheek too. The whole process was not bad. 😀
I’ve had Mohs on my temple for basal cell. It’s done with a local anesthetic. The specialist cut and took what she needed but covered the wound and had me wait until the cells were examined to see whether she needed to excise more tissue. All was clear, so she then cauterized and I went home. It was okay, healed well, and all I have is a slightly pink area after about 7 years.
Yes iv had at least 2 mohs procedures done on my face within the last 4 years. I have found a great dermatologist that is caring and understanding which makes it easier to understand the treatments she wants to preform. Both were on the temple area then she had a few on my arms that needed to same treatment.
I am on a 4 month schedule for check ups now and everything is starting to slow down on finding new spots!
Thanks for adding me to your team.
Thanks everyone..for sharing your experience with me..I feel so much better now. ..my Doctor is a specialist also in this Skin cancer and surgery...the Dermatologist just Did Biopsy on me then referred me to a specialist..which is coming to her office to do the surgery
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