I Like To Say "hello" To People.
Their usual response is "how are you?" I used to lie and say "good" but lately I tell them like it is, (had better days or terrible). They usually laugh and respond with something like "yeah, me too". How do you respond to the how are you request? I feel maybe I should just ignore it and walk away.
The truth for me is that life is harder with leukemia. So the only thing I can do is slow down (my fatigue slows me down even against my will).
Accepting the life changes is important. Narrowing my expectations and lowering my goals helps. Realizing that I simply cannot do all I used to accomplish is hard to accept. When I accept this slowing down is my new normal, it becomes easier. I had to stop feeling guilty bc I couldn’t keep up. I’m sick, but I don’t look sick. It is hard to adjust.
All the above is about the fatigue! Get plenty of rest and fluids❣️. (My relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ helps me.)
There are also other problems like nausea, night sweats, rashes, etc. Talking with your oncologist, nurses, and others on this forum can help guide you to remedies.
Hope this helps!
Excellent advice Norlin. We must put ourselves first mentally and physically and not let what others say, think, etc. take up space in our mind and soul. I find that the only people that truly truly get it are those that have blood cancer...cancer...etc.
Greetings, we are all Warriors. Keep the faith and a positive environment. I pray for us all
Hey David, I believe in the honest approach and just tell it like it is. You don't want to lie about your condition to your own self first of all. I want to know what leukemia is really doing to other folks. Some have fevers, night sweats, nausea and headaches. What does this unhealthy condition do to everyone? It gives you an idea what to expect. Being positive is really important in dealing with leukemia. It's about loving everything about yourself, those cancer cells are a part of you now. You can try to hate them away or love them away with a prayer or two. Try to tap into your higher self for help. You're trying to manage this the best you can. Take one day at a time. Right now, that is all you have. Positive thoughts bro!
To some I tell them it is a diarrhea day from the meds. But my standard answer is good. I get out in the community and see so many others so sick and crippled I feel lucky
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